Cloud provider comparison notes

by on under sysadmin
8 minute read

Cloud provider comparison notes

Mostly based around my workflows and use cases so it may miss out some products along with being time sensitive.






RDS (Relational Database Service)

ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)

Elastic Beanstalk

Lambda/API Gateway


SES (Simple Email Service)

  • A bit like Twilio SendGrid.
  • Has SMTP and APIs


  • TODO


ECS (Elastic Container Service)

  • Deploy docker images.

Dynamo DB


  • > AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shell that gives you command-line access to your AWS resources in the selected AWS region.
  • Cloudshell with custom dotfiles and scripts you could put in the userspace it gives you makes it much nicer as a jump box for aws cli work.


Virtual Machine

Container Instance

Blob Storage



Comparison notes

More of a side by side comparison/observational notes.

reddit, Instacart, and Lyft are some of the popular companies that use Amazon S3, whereas Azure Storage is used by Starbucks, Yammer, and Microsoft. Amazon S3 has a broader approval, being mentioned in 3194 company stacks & 1559 developers stacks; compared to Azure Storage, which is listed in 82 company stacks and 42 developer stacks.


  • Linke - Comparing the cloud giants: Uptime and reliability
  • Azure docs comparing to AWS
  • Azure easy RDP access
  • Azure option of Windows 10 virtual machine which is currently not possible on AWS, however: Windows Virtual Desktop non-persistent desktops
  • Azure easy auto shutdown option. Shows estimates on pricing when provisioning.
  • TODO: Azure cost vs AWS for Windows VM.
  • AWS also easy rdp access, option for Windows server only with no desktop. Nice desktop wallpaper overlay to show IP and hostname. No auto shutdown, no cost estimate on provisioning.
  • AWS free tier on EC2 micro.
  • Azure free is an internal page inside their portal along with being a public website page. AWS free is only a public website page.
  • AWS EC2 provisioning, cold start and regular start-up is faster than Azure.
  • Ability to disk export in Azure virtual machine via a link.
  • I think EC2 restoring snapshot breaks RDP password… yes it does so stop and start VM. don’t try reboot as it doesn’t update the “get pass”
  • Azure makes it easier to view all resources: Browse all resources
  • AWS: “Tag filters are required.” which means you have to tag everything in order to not loose track of it.
  • EC2 restore launch state on storage device makes it easier than Azure to reset a VM to it’s original image.
  • Azure you need a backup to be able to restore the VM: Factory reset Windows Server 2016 on Azure
  • Reload/refresh icon on AWS console for EC2 instances didn’t work, I had to use browser refresh specifically to see a change in “Instance state”
  • > Your services were disabled because you reached your spending limit
    • Azure Cost analysis (preview) is good.
  • Azure RDP you set the username and password but AWS it’s created for you when you restart it and upload the pem key to decrypt it.
  • AWS RDP drops if you try copying a large file.
  • Azure console has a strange horizontal scrolling UI.
  • OTT browser security settings on AWS and Azure Windows server images however I used Windows 10 desktop on Azure which doesn’t have such security settings.

Other notes

Some of these will move around once I tidy up the post.

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