ESXi minimum RAM workaround
1 minute read
ESXi minimum RAM workaround
Moved here from original gist
You have 4 GB RAM installed in a new server and ESXi says you have 3.88 GB so it prevents you from continuing the install. This is a workaround for that.
Based upon this article but I had to make a few changes to get the permissions to take:
- Bootup VMware ESXi from live medium.
- Wait for the “Welcome to VMWARE ESXi X.X.X installation” screen.
- Press Alt+F1 to drop into a console.
- Login with user root and blank password (just hit enter when prompted for password).
- Change directory:
cd /usr/lib/vmware/weasel/util/
- Set permissions to allow any user to modify the install script:
chmod 777
- Copy file to edit as it didn’t like me editing it live:
- Edit the file:
- Edt the line with “MEM_MIN_SIZE” you can use / to search in vi.
- Press i to enter insert mode in vim.
- Change
4 * 1024 - 32
to2 * 1024 - 32
- Press Esc to exit insert mode on vim.
- Type :wq to write the changes to disk and close vim.
- Copy the file back over the original:
- Locate the installer process ID:
ps -c | grep weasel
- Kill the process using its ID:
I feedback.
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